Drea's Book Fetish

RIVERSIDE: 'Fault in Our Stars' author criticizes book ban

I am shamed


This makes me sad, more so cause it's my town, but anytime a book is banned. John Green's quote cracked me up though :))


Luckily my 8th grader can borrow my copy to read 



So I've lived in my neighborhood for twelve years and just found out I have a neighbor who has a "little free library" out front her house, kinda an honor system thing. How cool is this! I wanna go contribute some books to her little library. 

John Green Is the New Black

I don't really know what that means, but look what I just got! Sometimes happiness comes in a box ♡♡♡♡


Page 139 of 245

Looking for Alaska - John Green

38 People Who Can No Longer Be Trusted In The Workplace



Sept bookadayUK day 12 & 13

12th: Favourite Austen character (Austen Festival)



I have never read an Austen book and I feel like picking a character from a movie wouldn't be the same.


Please don't unfollow me! We all have character flaws,  some just more severe than others. 


Ok, I'm glad we can move past that. So, moving on, Day 13


13th: Favourite Roald Dahl character (Roald Dahl Day)


I swear I feel like a 12 year old from some of my posts, but I'm kinda in love with my childlike imagination. Adults can be so ... old sometimes ;)


I love me some Dahl. I was gonna go James and the Giant Peach on you, but after further thought, I decided Grandpa Joe from



He was always the great advocate and defender of Charlie. I wouldn't mind having someone like Grandpa Joe in my corner.





Sept bookadayUK day 10 & 11

Day 10


10th: A book that gave you hope



This book helped me when I was in a bad place in my life. Sometimes the silly and simple reminders are just what we need.




11th: Best book recommended by a librarian


I have never been recommended a book by a librarian which leads me to believe I need to spend more time in a library.  

Sept bookadayUK day 9

9th: Literary crush



from Karina Halle's Experiment In Terror series



Mr. Sexy Dex Foray!!!





(If you don't know the story behind this guy and author Karina Halle, ask, it's kinda beautiful)


I didn't really have to think on this one,  it was always Dex




If u want a taste, the first book in the series Dark House is free on Kindle ap.


Potential spoilers below










And A Little 







Sept bookadayUK day 8

8th: Favourite literary dinner party


Because I can't bring myself to reminisce The Red Wedding ... I goes with: 





This is the edition I have too ♡♡♡


I very much would like to have attended






runs in the family

Caught my son reading,  yes on the weekend and of his own initiative, and learned he covers the next page like I do to keep from peeking ahead ♡♡♡



Also, reminded me of this for some reason




Tom Hiddleston Crashed A Music Festival And Performed A Hank Williams Song

♡♡Hiddleston Love ♡♡


Sept bookadayUK day 6 & 7

6th: Favourite book of short stories


I cheat, this is a novella, but I count it because it is a series of short stories of events that occurred in Karina Halle's Experiment in Terror series. From Dex's POV, this is how I like my Dex btw, in short spurts. 


I also haven't really read any books out there of short stories, but there are a few I wanna, like this one



OK Day 7 (back on track)


7th: Favourite fictional monarch (Elizabeth 1st birthday)


Quintana! She's wild and broken, but her strength and loyalty are fierce. I love her (and the entire Lumatere chronicles)




Reading progress update: I've read 114 out of 581 pages.

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness


"Vampires do not get bored,"

Reading progress update: I've read 65 out of 581 pages.

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness

"This was the second meal Clairmont had invited me to (not) share with him. Was this a vampire thing? Did they. like to watch other people eat?"




Sept bookadayUK day 5

5th: The book you bought despite the cover


Pretty much every Urban fantasy/ romance book evah!



I never liked this cover, but I didn't much care for the book either :/



Currently reading

Red Rising
Pierce Brown
Progress: 124/382 pages